
Refinishing and Repair of Your Quality Furniture

Furniture repair is something we specialize in here at Schanz Furniture and Refinishing.  We have the ability to restore a variety of older pieces that are brought to us by our customers on a daily basis. Throughout the 50 plus years that we've been in business, we have seen a variety of furniture repair needs ranging from chairs, tables, dressers, rockers, beds and much more.  Our customers have come back again and again with their quality heirloom pieces that need some sort of furniture repair. Here is what one of our customers has to say about our craftsmanship:

     "If you’re looking for quality, look no further than Schanz Furniture & Refinishing. For the past 25 years, we have purchased new furniture and have had many family heirlooms repaired, refinished, and recaned at this family owned business. The superior craftsmanship that goes into every piece is second to none. Whether you have furniture that needs to be repaired and/or refinished or you are looking for custom made furniture, we highly recommend a trip to South Amana. You will be amazed at how Schanz Furniture can bring your old pieces back to life and useful once again, or the detail that goes into each and every custom built piece that they produce. You will never be disappointed with anything that Schanz Furniture & Refinishing does for you."

Bill and Suzanne

Anamosa, IA

Furniture repair may require a variety of different services depending on the individual piece.  We are able to provide many services such as stripping the old finish off, re-gluing joints, fixing cracks or just simply replacing seat weaving on chairs.  We have experienced people do our caning, splint ash and rush seat weaving.  Below are the selections/patterns of seat weaving we offer.

Many times in furniture repair or refinishing, pieces may just need a bit of repair while others may need both repair and refinishing.  Since pricing can vary depending on the restoration need, we typically ask for the customers to bring in their furniture for a firm quote.  We understand that this may not be possible for everyone, due to distance, so we do welcome photos sent via email. Quality photos can provide us with enough information to give you a "ball park" figure.  From that figure you can then decide if or when it would be desirable for you to bring your piece to us here at Schanz Furniture.  Please keep in mind that it usually takes several months to do any furniture repair or refinishing.  Each piece varies but with a little planning, on both sides, we are usually able to work you into our schedule ensuring that you receive your piece in a timely manner.  Please contact us on this website if you would like to inquire about refinishing or repairing a piece that you might have.

Press Cane is a sheet of cane that is secured into a groove using a spline.
$11.50 per diagonal inch plus $ 50.00 to remove the old spline.
Regular Cane Pattern
depending upon level of difficulty
$4.00- $5.00 per drilled hole around the seat.
Star Cane Pattern
$ 7.50 per drilled hole around the seat.
Spider Cane Pattern
$7.50 per drilled hole around the seat
Herringbone Pattern
Depending upon the degree of difficulty
$18.00-$20.00 per diagonal inch.
"B" Pattern
$17.00 per diagonal inch.
Brown Rush
$12.00 -$15.00 per diagonal inch
Splint Ash
split ash $16.00 per diagonal inch.
reed $13.00 per diagonal inch